mvg!!!!! =D

Hmmm var det så att jag skickade in det här arbetet eller hur var det nu? (nja.... knappt 3 månader försenat bara. än så länge)
What about those Swedes. Ja, vad är det med dem?
Låt oss ta ett litet djupdyk in i min uppsats, som jag valde att tillägna en underbart fantastisk helg i juni.
~ Midsommar ~

"It all began in the early '70s. Everybody were hippies and hanging around on the fields smoking grass. One day someone discovered a flower on the ground. He showed the other hippies this beautiful little creation. They were all stunned. They had never seen such thing before, and everyone started picking flowers. A couple of days later they hade so much flowers, that they didn't know what to do with them. So they did a gigantic pole made of flowers. They were very happy and jumped around. It became a new dance style, so called the frog dance. People began taking lessons in frog dance, and it spread to other countries all over the world. By then, people were very suspicious about this hippie-dance. But as time passed by, they really felt that this dance was something more than just a dance. It was a part of their life that had been missed for a long, long time."

(C) Karin 24 september 2010.

Grymt nöjd

lovord, komplimanger osv:
gillar kanske kiwi: Paul is dead

Om ngn tkr Karin är prydlig kan man passa på att bekräfta det här med en kommentar

2010-12-13 @ 07:27:28
gillar kanske kiwi: Paul is dead

Om du tkr karin är prydlig så skriv en kommentar där du tkr det.

2010-12-13 @ 10:21:45
gillar kanske kiwi: Nea E


2010-12-13 @ 10:22:34
gillar kanske kiwi: Snell katt


2010-12-13 @ 10:22:58
gillar kanske kiwi: Yrrol


2010-12-18 @ 14:41:46
gillar kanske kiwi: Gandalf


2010-12-23 @ 21:48:30

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